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Twycross Zoo - East Midland Zoological Society Limited

twycross zooTwycross Zoo opened in 1963 on a site in Leicestershire. Initially a comparatively modest collection, it has grown into one of the major British zoos, attracting over 450,000 visitors a year. It is famous for its collection of primates.

Situated near the small village of Twycross, the zoo occupies over 40 acres and is set in open countryside. Despite its rural location, it is only four miles from the M42/A42 (which links the M1 and M6) making it readily accessible from anywhere in central England.
Throughout the year (we only close Christmas Day) the zoo plays host to a wide range of visitors from family groups on a day out to school children studying animals (our Education Department teaches over 15,000 pupils a year).

In 1972 the zoo became a charitable trust concentrating on conservation and education, and now takes part in many captive breeding programmes for endangered animals (about three quarters of the animals housed at Twycross are officially classed as endangered species).

Twycross Zoo
East Midlands Zoological Society
Burton Road (A444)

Telephone: 01827 880 250/880 440
Fax: 01827 880 700
Registered Charity No. 1048059

Twycross Zoo, East Midland Zoological Society. Registered charity number 501841, Burton Road, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 3PX
Tel: 0844 474 1777 | Fax: 0844 474 1888 | Copyright © Twycross Zoo 2011